Lil Nas X's Dad Comments On His Mother's Addiction!

allhiphop April 16, 2021 Lil Nas X 161
Lil Nas X's Dad Comments On His Mother's Addiction!

Lil Nas X is back in the rumors, but more good news!

Lil Nas Xs Dad Comments On His Mothers Addiction! Lil Nas Xs Dad Comments On His Mothers Addiction! By : illseed/ Categories : Rumors/ April 15, 2021 Lil Nas X is back in the rumors, but more good news! (AllHipHop Rumors) Just when you thought Lil Nas X was not going to be in the rurmor section, he is! But this time we have nothing but positive news. His dad a rapper oops, just looks like a rapper, is commenting. Hes speaking on the assertion that Lil Nas X has some control over his mothers activities in the streets. If you are NOT in the know, Lil Nas X has a mother who is a drug addict. And I hate to classify her as such, but just listen to me for simplicitys sake. His mother is addicted to some drug or substance that has her in the street begging for food. And, it doesnt seem like theres much they can do to help her. I am sure they will step out a little more now that the world is watching. At any rate, it does add a different texture to Lil Nas X, and I mean that sincerely. At any rate, it is now his father that is stepping up and commenting about his mothers condition. And his words are actually reassuring me. His dad is basically giving his son props, for being a good son, and also acknowledge his mothers situation. That said let the good times roll! No, seriously this totally humanizes the fella beyond a twitter troll or someone chasing clout out at a feverish rate. So, I basically have very little to say other than I hope his mother gets better as soon as possible. And I hope hes sharing the money with his dad! Read more

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