Lil Fizz Apologizes to B2K Bandmate Omarion for Dating Baby Mama

tmz October 02, 2021 Omarion 30
Lil Fizz Apologizes to B2K Bandmate Omarion for Dating Baby Mama

Omarion finally gets the apology we've all been waiting for.

@2cooI2blog Check it out ... Fizz didn't say exactly what he was apologizing for, but everyone who's been following along knew what was up. He was seeking forgiveness for dating Apryl Jones a couple years back -- who's the mother of Omarion's kids -- and doing so very publicly. You might recall ... Fizz and Apryl hopped on an Instagram Live feed looking cozy, and word was that they were screwing around -- right as the initial Millennium Tour Omarion worked hard to get together was about to hit the road, with none other Fizz joining as well. Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media. It was awkward as hell ... and yet, Omarion told us at the time that he didn't really mind it, just so long as their relationship didn't interrupt business on the big stage. In other words, Omarion took the high road at the time -- and now ... LF is doing the same, albeit somewhat belatedly. Better late than never ... looks like they've buried the hatchet. Read more

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