Lil Durk Fails To Buy Chicago's O-Block Before Its Sold

hiphopdx May 06, 2021 Lil Durk 120
Lil Durk Fails To Buy Chicago's O-Block Before Its Sold

Lil Durk was emphatic about buying Chicago's O-Block when he found out it was up for sale, but it looks like he wasn't fast enough.

Lil Durk Loses Bid To Buy Chicago's Infamous O-Block Published on:May 6, 2021, 10:40 AM by 1 Chicago, IL Lil Durk has been emphatic about purchasing Chicagos infamous O-Block,a place he and his late Only The Family artist King Von once called home. Late last month, he tweeted money was no object after he learned the Parkway Gardens housing complex was up for sale. Ill buy it, he tweeted on April 30. dont matter how much it is. Ill buy it dont matter how much it is THE VOICE (@lildurk) April 30, 2021 But it doesnt look like Lil Durkwas able to get a formal bid in before it was swooped up. According to a post from SayCheese, O-Block a 13-acre campus spread across nearly three dozen building was purchased shortly after it went up for sale. O-Block (Parkway Gardens) will be disbanded and relocated, the post read. O-Block has been sold, and best believe its going to be developed beautifully and completely out of the price range of most current Woodlawn residents. That Jewel and Metrosquash facility should have been the writing on the wall. This is about to get interesting, and eerily familiarcan someone say Cabrini or Stateway. They about to open up Section 8 in Bloomington, Champaign, etc. Thats been the move literally since they started tearing down the jects. Chicago projects O-Block aka Parkway Gardens has officially been sold. Read more

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