Kylie Jenner Says She & Travis Scott Havent Decided On A Baby Name Yet

hotnewhiphop September 24, 2021 Travis Scott 29
Kylie Jenner Says She & Travis Scott Havent Decided On A Baby Name Yet

Jenner recently invited Vogue Magazine over to her house for a quick round of 73 Questions. It seems like it was just yesterday that Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner welcomed their daughter, Stormi, into the world, and now they’re gearing up to say hello to baby #2. During a recent intervie...

SHARE PICTURE Rich Fury/Getty Images Jenner recently invited Vogue Magazine over to her house for a quick round of 73 Questions. It seems like it was just yesterday that Travis Scottand Kylie Jenner welcomed their daughter, Stormi, into the world, and now theyre gearing up to say hello to baby #2 . During a recent interview, Jenner revealed that the couple has yet to find out the sex of their unborn baby. For Vogues famous 73 Questions segment, the soon-to-be mother of two took the magazine on a tour of her stunning Los Angeles home while answering a host of inquiries about everything from her funniest sibling to her most driven car (apparently, Stormi chooses her moms whip practically every day). At the end of the interview, the host asked Jenner some questions about her pregnancy, including if she and Scott have picked out a name yet. Well, we need to find out the gender first, and we decided to wait, the 24-year-old shared. She also said that her most intense pregnancy cravings have included frozen yogurt and sushi, which shes upset about not being able to indulge in right now. La Flame unfortunately wasnt around to help his girlfriend answer her questions, but Stormi and Jenners mother, Kris, made a very cute cameo in the Vogue video. What was the thing you learned about yourself when you became a mother? Kris asked while pushing Stormi on a swing. Just how much patience I have, her daughter replied. Jenner chose to keep her first pregnancy under tight wraps, staying off social media and out of the spotlight. This time around, shes been much more public with things. She never planned to keep her pregnancy secret like she did with Stormi. She just wanted to wait until it felt right. She loves her baby bump and has a gorgeous glow. Travis is equally excited. They are a great team and parents, a source told PEOPLE magazine. Watch Kylies entire 73 Questions episode below. [ Read more

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