Kevin Gates Admits To Drinking Partner's Urine #KevinGates

hotnewhiphop January 13, 2023 Kevin Gates 38
Kevin Gates Admits To Drinking Partner's Urine #KevinGates

Kevin Gates recently appeared on a podcast where detailed exactly what he enjoys doing with his partner's urine.

Kevin Gates appeared on the Fancy Talk show where he discussed what he enjoys in the bedroom. As expected from any Kevin Gates, the outcome was undoubtedly outlandish. The conversation went from ass play to the topic of golden showers, which is when Gates said that hes a fan of drinking his partners urine. I love for a woman to piss in my mouth, Gates said. Its not shocking considering his lyrics in last years Super General. During the freestyle, he admitted that he wanted to make Beyonc piss all on this dick. Then, he appeared on Bootleg Kevs podcast where he took it further and said hed drink Beys urine if he had the opportunity. BILOXI, MS JUNE 04: Kevin Gates and Jojo Zarur during Lil Baby & Friends Concert at Mississippi Coast Coliseum on June 4, 2022 in Biloxi, Mississippi.(Photo by Prince Williams/Wireimage) The host, Fancy, later clarified that she meant whether hes interested in peeing in his girls mouth. I had a woman pee in a cup while we were driving and I drunk it, he said. Because it was nothing I was so infatuated with this woman to where it was just nothing about her that was nasty. And then, shes super clean. She like me. She drink nothing but water all day, so, her piss aint got no taste. A post shared by The Neighborhood Talk (@theneighborhoodtalk) Needless to say, Kevin Gates latest admission about his bedroom antics caught Twitter off guard. Some people believe that the rapper shouldnt be invited for any more interviews while others found it thoroughly entertaining. Then, there was a section of individuals who felt as if Gates crossed the threshold of freakiness that they were willing to accept. Check out some of the funniest reactions to Kevin Gatess latest interview below and sound off with your thoughts in the comments. Naaa Kevin Gates wild asf . He be saying these shits wit a straight face too Read more

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