Kanye West Randomly Reveals His Favorite Garden Hose Setting #KanyeWest

xxlmag July 02, 2022 Kanye West 68
Kanye West Randomly Reveals His Favorite Garden Hose Setting #KanyeWest

Kanye West hopped on Instagram and randomly revealed his favorite garden hose setting. You wouldnt believe what it is.

Kanye West has relatively been quiet on social media but recently, he randomly revealed his favorite garden hose setting on Instagram. On Friday (July 1), Instagram user @anthonyasfourposted a collage image of a garden hose sprayer and its seven different settings: Center, Flat, Jet, Shower, Mist, Soaker and Cone. The caption reads, Nobody cares about your zodiac sign. Whats your favorite garden hose setting. Randomly, Yecommented on the post with Mist. Kanye West randomly revealed his favorite garden hose setting on Instagram. @anthonyasfour via Instagram loading... But the real question here is why did Kanye comment on the post in the first place? So far, the post has garnered over 750 comments and 1,726 likes. Interestingly, it appears that everyone is commenting on the post with Mist as being their favorite garden hose setting as well. We are not sure if its the flock following the sheep (in this case, its ) or if it is legitimately everyones favorite hose setting. Its unclear if Kanye Westis doing any gardening during the July 4th weekend. Although Kanye West hasnt spoken much on social media, hes lurking around on the photo-and-video sharing platform. So much so, he caught wind of a restaurant in Australian infringing on his debut album, The College Dropout Which rapper has the most controversial shirt? Filed Under: Read more

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