Kanye West Looking to Open First School in California

rap-up September 23, 2021 Kanye West 28
Kanye West Looking to Open First School in California

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September 2, 2021 Per the lease listing the property includes a 5,728-square-foot school with classrooms, lab space, offices, kitchen, restrooms, storage, a basketball court, and a large open field. Donda Academy, an homage to Kanyes late mother, will be a tuition-free private school that will serve 60 students from kindergarten through high school. According to MTV News the school will offer computer-science courses, STEM courses, Japanese, and physical-education courses. Donda Academy prepares students to become the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators, by providing them with a world-class education, said Beulah McLoyd, the academys education consultant. The billionaire rapper, whose album DONDA topped the charts, has plans to expand Donda Academy. During his trip Berlin earlier this month, Kanye met with architects about designing another school in his hometown of Chicago. Read more

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