Kanye West hasn't filed as a presidential candidate in South Dakota

argusleader March 19, 2021 Kanye West 163
Kanye West hasn't filed as a presidential candidate in South Dakota

Rapper Kanye West announced he was running for U.S. president in a tweet on July 4.

Sioux Falls Argus Leader Kanye West won't be a presidential candidate on the ballot in South Dakota. Presidential candidate petitions had to be in the mail to the South Dakota Secretary of State's Office by Aug. 4. Secretary of State's Office spokeswoman Rachel Soulek confirmed the office hasn't received a candidate petition from West as of Monday. West, a rapper and fashion designer, announced in a July 4 tweet that he was running for U.S. president and told Forbes on July 8that he was planning to run as a candidate for the Birthday Party. He has held one campaign event, in South Carolina where he claimed Harriet Tubmandidn't free slaves, and his wife Kim Kardashian has asked for compassion for her husband, who has bipolar disorder. West has filed candidate petitions in 10 states, although not all have been found sufficient, and Republican operatives are assisting West in several of those states, according Read more

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