Kanye West Files To Change His Name Legally to 'Ye'

allhiphop August 25, 2021 Kanye West 96
Kanye West Files To Change His Name Legally to 'Ye'

The 44-year-old has filed a motion with a Los Angeles court to legally change his birth name, Kanye Omari West to his popular nickname.

August 24, 2021 The rapper sheds the name his mother gave him for the popular nickname his friends gave him, believing it is the most used word in the bible. Chicago rapper Kanye West is legally changing his name to Ye. He said he would do this years ago, but this time he seems to have moved to make the change official. The 44-year-old has filed a motion with a Los Angeles court to legally change his birthname, Kanye Omari West to his popular nickname. Image from TMZ Names are incredibly important to ones identity as they connect us to our families, culture, and community. Kanyes name, one given to him by his mother, meansLets give (God praise) in Nigerian Igbo. In one Hawaiian dialect, it means free. His middle name Omari means a few things. In Swahili, it means God the Highest. However, in Hebrew, it means he that speaks too much, talkative. In Arabic, Omari means flourishing, long-lived. In all three versions of this second name, he has live up to the fullness of their meanings. His surname, given to him by his father, links him to a heritage that he has passed on to his own children, North West, Saint West, Chicago West, and Psalm West. This is not the first time he tried to change his name. Back in 2018, he tweeted that he was no longer going to be called by his given name. He dramatically wrote, The being formally known as Kanye West. I am YE. Read more

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