Justin Bieber Rocking SKIMS Thanks to Billboard Mashup

tmz August 31, 2021 Justin Bieber 67
Justin Bieber Rocking SKIMS Thanks to Billboard Mashup

The Biebs ... in SKIMS??? Now there's an idea!

Kim Kardashian 's underwear line. Check out this giant tower-sized Balenciaga ad on a Sunset Strip building with Bieber as its leather-jacketed star -- but as you can see, he's lost his lower half somewhere along the way. Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media. Instead of JB's lower abdomen and legs, you see a different set of body parts ... seemingly belonging to a woman rocking SKIMS, Kim's shapewear company. It's pretty hilarious -- it looks almost intentional due to how seamlessly JB's top mixes with the SKIMS bottom. Even the SKIMS model's arms appear to line up almost perfectly with the Biebs'. Read more

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