Jay-Z & Yo Gotti Drop Lawsuit Against Mississippi Prison #YoGotti

hotnewhiphop January 24, 2023 Yo Gotti 67
Jay-Z & Yo Gotti Drop Lawsuit Against Mississippi Prison #YoGotti

After the Mississippi prison in Parchman made upgrades, Team Roc dropped its lawsuits filed on behalf of 200 inmates.

Link Copied to Clipboard! Share this page After the prison made upgrades, Team Roc dropped its lawsuits filed on behalf of 200 inmates. During the 2020 quarantine, many activists shifted their attention to the prison system. At the time, Jay-Zs social justice initiative Team Roc issued several federal lawsuits against the Mississippi State Penitentiary system in Parchman. Inmates complained of inhumane conditions that were shared online. NBC News reported information about deprivation of medical care, but that wasnt all. Rat feces, cockroaches, and bird excrement were reportedly in the food being served. The lawsuits were reportedly filed on behalf of over 200 inmates. In an update, Jay and Gotti dropped their suits after the prisons received upgrades in the years that followed. Jay Z and Yo Gotti sued the head of the Mississippi Department of Corrections and the warden on behalf of 29 incarcerated people who say prison conditions are unsafe and inhumane! Team ROC Push The DOJ To Investigate Prison For Inhumane Conditions These upgrades include stainless steel showers, working ambulances, and functioning air conditioning and plumbing systems. Additionally, there will be recreational areas available, mold was removed, and access to updated kitchen areas was improved. However, if things go back to how they were, Team Roc could refile. We are pleased with the changes made to date and the improvements in the day to day lives of the guys inside, said attorney Jordan Siev, who works with Team Roc. But were also cognizant of the fact that Parchman has had a long history of lawsuits, improvements and then backsliding conditions. Were pleased that improvements have been made inside, but were also not going to take our foot off the gas. I was thinking are you going to support the inmates going through at the MDOC being that you are from Clarksdale I am sure you got ppl in there or are you going to continue to let Jay and Gotti support Mississippi we just a few questions the ones who know yo real fam still here also released a statement, saying he is glad changes have been made. However, he believes this speaks to a larger issue. Were pleased that Parchman has started to address the cruel and inhumane prison conditions after the Department of Justices investigation, but we arent satisfied with short-term improvements, he said. The Mississippi Department of Corrections has neglected these torturous living conditions for decades, so we will continue to hold them accountable and ensure they commit to creating long-lasting change that safely protects their incarcerated population. Read More: Team ROC Announces United Justice Coalition Summer Summit Meanwhile, the State Department of Corrections legal department promised to continue efforts to maintain these upgrades. We have and will continue to make diligent efforts to improve the quality of life for all individuals in the custody of the MDOC and provide them with opportunities to successfully return to their communities. That is our ongoing commitment. [ Read more

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