JAY-Z + Kanye West To Release 'Watch The Throne 2'

hiphopdx August 06, 2021 Kanye West 51
JAY-Z + Kanye West To Release 'Watch The Throne 2'

Justin Laboy tweeted Kanye West and JAY-Z were planning to deliver a sequel to their critically acclaimed 2011 album 'Watch The Throne.'

August 6, 2021 JAY-Z and Kanye have had a complicated friendshipover the years. In 2016, Kanye went on an extended rant during a Sacramento stop on The Saint Pablo Tour in which brought up JAY-Zand his wife Beyonc. Beyonc, I was hurt because I heard that you said you wouldnt perform unless you won video of the year over me and over Hotline Bling,' he said at the time. Now, dont go trying to diss Beyonc, she is great. Taylor Swift is great. We are all great people. We are all equal. But sometimes we be playing the politics too much and forgetting who we are just to win. Fuck winning. Fuck looking cool. Fuck being cool. Fuck all that, bro. Ive been sent here to give yall my truth even at the risk of my own life. Even at the risk of my own success, my own career. Ive been sent here to give yall my truth. He added, JAY-Z, call me, bruh. You still aint call me. JAY-Z, call me. Hey, bro, JAY-Z, I know youve got killers. Please dont send them at my head. Just call me. Talk to me like a man. Speaking to Rap Radar in 2017, JAY-Zadmitted that was the straw that broke the camels back. Weve gotten past bigger issues, but you brought my family into it, he said at the time. Now thats a problem with me. Thats a real, real problem. He know its a problem cause me and him would have been talked about it. We would have been resolved our issues, but he know he crossed the line. Read more

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