Ja Rule & Ludacris Perform At Dwyane Wade's 40th Birthday Party

hiphopdx January 18, 2022 Ludacris 65
Ja Rule & Ludacris Perform At Dwyane Wade's 40th Birthday Party

Ja Rule and Ludacris were forces of nature in Hip Hop in the early 2000s, and their music is still played to this day, like at Dwyane Wade's 40th birthday party.

Nas Calls J. Cole, Drake & Kendrick Lamar 3-Headed GOAT Successors For Biggie, JAY-Z & Himself 46 Arturo Holmes/Getty Images, Charles Sykes, Alberto Rodriguez/Getty Images Ja Rule & Ludacris Dust Off 2000s Hits At Dwyane Wade's 40th Birthday Party Published on:Jan 18, 2022, 9:04 AM by 0 Hollywood, CA Ja Ruleand Ludacrisprovided fans with a plethora of hits throughout their respective careers, especially in the early-mid 2000s. Many of their songs from that time still get heavy airplay, and one of the places guaranteed to feature a classic Ja Rule or Ludacris record is at birthday parties. On Monday (January 17), former professional basketball star Dwyane Wadecelebrated his 40th birthday with a party at Casita Hollywood in Los Angeles attended by family and friends. Clips of the event made their way onto social media as fans saw D-Wade turning up with his guests to live performances by none other than Ja Rule and Ludacris. In one clip, Ja grabs the microphone to salute Dwyane Wade and reference his passion for playing against his hometown New York Knicksat Madison Square Garden before launching into his 2004 hit single New York (sans Fat Joe and Jadakiss). View this post on Instagram Read more

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