Ice Cube Producer Sir Jinx Suing For Unpaid Royalties

hiphopdx May 24, 2021 Ice Cube 97
Ice Cube Producer Sir Jinx Suing For Unpaid Royalties

Ice Cube's former producer Sir Jinx is reportedly taking the N.W.A pioneer to court for unpaid royalties.

TMZ, Jinx is suing Cube over unpaid royalties for music he produced dating back to Cubes 1990 debut solo album Amerikkas Most Wanted. Sir Jinx alleges in the court documents hes produced upward of 28 tracks for Cube and didnt realize he wasnt getting his fair share of the profits until 2019. Although Jinx let Ice Cube and his team know he was missing about $100,000 in back pay, Jinx says they never paid him. He wants a judge to ensure Ice Cube properly compensates him for his work. But Ice Cube apparently sees things a bit differently. On Monday morning (May 24), a source close to Cube reportedly claimed the gangsta rap legend has loaned Sir Jinx a significant amount of money over the years, loans that have never been paid back. Sir Jinx is responsible for producing Cubes legendary diss track No Vaseline,True to the Game, The Bomb, Its a Mans World, and The Funeral, among others. Read more

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