Gucci Mane Knows How Every 1017 Artist's Career Will Go

sohh June 01, 2021 Gucci Mane 157
Gucci Mane Knows How Every 1017 Artist's Career Will Go

Atlanta rapper Gucci Mane knows exactly what greatness awaits for his 1017 artists. The hip-hop star has hit up his social media pages to remind the world succe

June 1, 2021 Gucci Mane Reveals How His Label Deal Looks In mid-May 2021, Guwop revealed a label recording agreementdocument. Mane ultimately encouraged his 14.5 million followers to tag unsigned artists and reminded them hes serious about finding the next big star. Tag the hottest unsigned artist out @ Gucci Mane wants to give away $1 million The same week, Guwop went to his Instagram and Twitter pagesto let followers realize just how serious he was about finding new talent. Mane acknowledged his plan was to add another artist to his 1017 label which already consists of hitmakers including Pooh Shiesty and Foogiano. Who the hardest unsigned artist out right now Im trying to give them a deal and a million Today!!!!!!! #1017Worldwide Whos the hottest tag em? @@ 1017 Artist sentenced to hard jail time Guccis request for new talent came just daysafter his protg Foogiano received a multi-year jail sentence. The drama stemmed from a March arrest after being on the run from authorities in Tennessee. Music executive Boomman went to social media to deliver the crushing news. Green County Just Gave @FoogianoDaMayor 5 years for cutting an ankle monitor for a gun charge that wasnt his and was claimed by some one else this is beyond crazy we have to do something about this! Read more

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