Fat Joe Gets Chuck D's Attention After Rapping With NYC Busker

hiphopdx October 27, 2021 Fat Joe 34
Fat Joe Gets Chuck D's Attention After Rapping With NYC Busker

Fat Joe was one of thousands who watched the New York Knicks take on the Philadelphia '76ers at Madison Square Garden in New York City on Tuesday (October 26).

Yaya Mayweather Facing Decades In Prison For Stabbing Of NBA YoungBoy's Ex Shareif Ziyadat/Getty Images Fat Joe Captures Chuck D's Attention After Rapping Big L's 'The Enemy' With NYC Street Performer Published on:Oct 27, 2021, 8:44 AM by 1 New York, NY Fat Joewas one of thousands who watched the New York Knicks take on the Philadelphia 76ers at Madison Square Garden in New York City on Tuesday (October 26). He mingled with Spike Lee, DJ Premierand Trey Songz as the Knicks finally broke their 15-game losing streak with a 112-99 victory. But Fat Joe also reminded his fans hes a student of Hip Hop, first and foremost. While outside of the arena, Fat Joeencountered the one and only Kosha Dillz,Jewish rapper extraordinaire and professional busker. As typical for Kosha, he was armed with a microphone, speaker and, of course, rhymes. Standing outside in the pouring NorEaster rain, Kosha watched Fat Joe pass him, get about 30 feet away, turn around and toss $20 into his hat. But then, Fat Joe unexpectedly grabbed the mic and rattled off a verse from Big Ls 1997 single, The Enemy. I felt I shouldnt go out because it was pouring rain and itd ruin the equipment, Kosha tells HipHopDX. But I thought this is New York City, and you never know what could happen. I was supposed to upload my music video yesterday but decided to rap in the rain instead. Knicks are 3-1. Ten minutes before Fat Joe came up, someone stole merchandise from me for the first time in forever, but I told myself keep your cool. The world is in a weird place and magic is right around the corner. I thought, Is it me? Nah. Keep going. Then boom Fat Joe pulled up. So @fatjoejust walked past me, heard me rhyme . gave me $20 , and grabbed the mic in a Noreaster rainstorm after @nyknickscrushed 76ers. BING BONG! Read more

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