Famous Dex Gets 364 Days For Gun And Domestic Violence Charges

allhiphop September 11, 2021 Famous Dex 64
Famous Dex Gets 364 Days For Gun And Domestic Violence Charges

Famous Dex is going to be sitting down for the next year, after he was sentenced to almost a year in prison over domestic violence charges!

September 11, 2021 Famous Dex is going to be sitting down for the next year, after he was sentenced to almost a full year in prison over domestic violence charges! Famous Dex was sentenced to 364 days in jail for gun and domestic violence charges according to reports. The Chicago was sentenced on September 1st and he is currently in a Los Angles area prison. Last November, Dex was the suspect in a domestic violence case that involved a SWAT team being called to his residence. The cops received a 911 call stating that the rapper was armed and hurting his girlfriend at the time. Dexs girlfriend was reportedly injured and the rapper had left before they arrived. He was charged with domestic violence, weapon possession, dissuading a victim from reporting a crime, and defacing property charges. There was also another situation with a different woman, last October, that resulted in charges of corporal injury domestic violence, threatening a domestic partner, exhibiting a firearm, inflicting bodily injury, dissuading a victim from reporting a crime, defacing property, and illegal possession. Dex has a history of domestic violence. In 2016 he was filmed beating up his girlfriend at the time. The incident caused him to be snubbed from the XXL Freshman list in 2017 list. Famous Dex was last in the headlines when fans were concerned about his well-being after he was on Instagram live and appeared to be intoxicated and under the influence. Read more

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