Eminem Invests In NFT Marketplace

hiphopdx August 04, 2021 Eminem 89
Eminem Invests In NFT Marketplace

Eminem has delved deeper into the NFT gold rush and invested in MakersPlace, a multi-million dollar marketplace where users can buy and sell digital artwork and other creations.

Kings Disease II , Eminemcontinues to expand his investment portfolio. On Wednesday (August 4), it was announced that Eminem has delved deeper into the NFT gold rushand invested in MakersPlace, a multi-million dollar marketplace where users can buy and sell digital artwork and other creations. Its unclear how much money Eminem has invested exactly, but MakersPlace revealedon their website that theyve raised $30 million in this latest round of funding. Other investors include Eminems long-time manager Paul Rosenberg, NFL pro Larry Fitzgerald and Sony Music Entertainment. Launched in 2018, the San Francisco-based MakersPlace holds the distinction of facilitating the most expensive NFT sale to date: Beeples digital artwork Everydays at Christies, which sold for $69.3 millionat auction in March. NFT, which stands for non-fungible (meaning not interchangeable) token, utilizes blockchain technology to certify ownership of a digital asset, such as a photo, video or audio file. Read more

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