EarthGang Reacts To Michelle Obama's Thank You Letter

hotnewhiphop January 23, 2021 Earthgang 121
EarthGang Reacts To Michelle Obama's Thank You Letter

The duo enlisted their fans to register to vote at their shows. On Thursday, hip-hop duo Earthgang took to Instagram to share a photo of a letter they received from former First Lady Michelle Obama on December 10th. The letter thanked the duo for helping her to do important work as co-chairs/ambassa...

Paul Morigi/Getty Images, Emma McIntyre/Getty Images The duo enlisted their fans to register to vote at their shows. On Thursday, hip-hop duo Earthgang took to Instagram to share a photo of a letter they received from former First Lady Michelle Obama on December 10th. The letter thanked the duo for helping her to do important work as co-chairs/ambassadors for the non-profit organization When We All Vote. Part of the letter read, Over 500,000 started or completed their voter registration process with us and we fundamentally shifted the culture around voting in this country I am so proud of the work we have been able to achieve together, and I know we could not have done it without you. The duo was clearly also excited about their achievement, captioning the Instagram photo, Were forever honored to be working with greatness. Lets keep fighting to make this a fair and just land. Thank you to every single fan who registered at our shows and went put to make your voice heard. Lets keep it going. When We All Vote is an organization dedicated to making sure that every eligible voter has completed registration and is ready to vote in every election. Co-chairs include Michelle Obama Tom Hanks, Janelle Monae, and others. On September 22nd, Earthgang participated in an Instagram live takeover that encouraged eligible citizens to vote. The two performed during the IG live alongside artists like H.E.R. and DJ Envy. Congrats, Earthgang! Read more

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