Drake Teases CLB Lyrics After Setting New Billboard Record

hiphopdx August 31, 2021 Drake 71
Drake Teases CLB Lyrics After Setting New Billboard Record

Drake's 'Certified Lover Boy' is dropping Friday (September 3), and the 6 God is officially in album rollout mode after 'CLB'-themed billboards popped up in Toronto.

is finally ready to drop his sixth studio album, , on Friday (September 3). As hes officially in album rollout mode, Drake took to his hometown Toronto, Canada, with some CLB billboards and gifts for lucky fans. Billboards containing what seems to be lyrics from Drakes upcoming album were seen all over Downtown Toronto. The verses include I dont miss Let alone miss you, Shouldve said you loved me today/because tomorrow is a new day and Something other than me has got to give. Certified Lover Boy billboards have gone up in Toronto CLB x Nike tees are also being handed out tonight in the 6 according to Drake Read more

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