Drake Shares Cute Video With Son Adonis Bragging About His Basketball Skills #Drake

hotnewhiphop May 26, 2022 Drake 34
Drake Shares Cute Video With Son Adonis Bragging About His Basketball Skills #Drake

Drake's son Adonis is a walking bucket. A few years after the world was stunned by news of Drake’s “secret son,” the rapper has consistently melted the internet's collective heart with clips of Adonis, his now-4-year-old son. Today, Adonis returns to ChampagnePapi’s IG once a...

now-4-year-old son. Today, Adonis returns to ChampagnePapis IG once again, with his son boasting about his basketball skills. Yo, where you learn to shoot like that, the Canadian superstar asked his dirty-blonde-haired son after hitting a mean hot streak, making four of his five shots. The award-winning rapper shares Adonis with French artist and former model Sophie Brussaux. Cole Burston/Getty Images Adonis, who can be seen rocking a Raptors jersey in the IG Story clip, replied non-plussed, I dont know. It's no surprise that Adonis has been heavily exposed to basketball as his famous dad has serious ties to the Toronto Raptors as well as a slew of celebrity basketball players. Just recently, the rapper shared a clip of his son hooping in his private gym in a LeBron James jersey. The video was later reposted by the NBA legend himself, who added, My nephew really love the game. In Drizzys latest IG story, Adonis attributed his basketball prowess to practice at school, asking his dad to send out his highlights.I shoot at school, Adonis said, before then pointing directly at the cameras while demanding Drake send that to a girl. Check out Drakes clip with his son below. Read more

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