Doug E. Fresh Honors Late Hip Hop Pioneer Kangol Kid With Colonoscopy PSA

hiphopdx March 27, 2022 hip hop 40
Doug E. Fresh Honors Late Hip Hop Pioneer Kangol Kid With Colonoscopy PSA

On Saturday (March 26), fellow Hip Hop trailblazer Doug E. Fresh shared an Instagram public service announcement from a hospital where he was getting a colonoscopy.

The Fat Boys Prince Markie Dee. U.T.F.O. member Kangol Kidalso lost his life to colon cancer in December 2021, just 10 months after his diagnosis. On Saturday (March 26), fellow Hip Hop trailblazer Doug E. Freshshared an Instagram public service announcement from a hospital where he was getting a colonoscopy. I just got up from a colonoscopy, he said in the clip. You can hear the sound in the back. This is the bag. It was a 20 minute situation. Im telling you, you need to get this done. They may find polyps and stuff like that, which are little things on your colon. You need this. I gotta cut this off because they told me not to have my phone on, but I want you to see me and see whats going on. Its a little IV, they give you some propofol. That stuff is, like, crazy. I didnt even know I went to sleep and Im back. So Im cutting this off, but I wanted to let yall know about the whole procedure. Men, you need to do this. Listen to me. Get yourself checked. He wrote in the caption, This is for my brother #kangolkid and all those who passed from this horrible disease. We have to be proactive about our health. To all my brothers out there, lets do a better job of caring for ourselves. #colonoscopy #prevention. Read more

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