Doja Cat Reveals Skeleton Back Tattoo #DojaCat

rap-up May 05, 2023 Doja Cat 28
Doja Cat Reveals Skeleton Back Tattoo #DojaCat

The new ink covers her entire back.

/05.05.2023 Doja Cat is going from cat to bat. Fresh from her Met Gala appearance as Karl Lagerfelds cat Choupette, the Say So rapper has debuted a brand new tattoo, which features a bat skeleton and covers her entire back. She shared a series of photos revealing her new ink from multiple angles, along with some words explaining the significance of bats. Bats often represent death in the sense of letting go of the old, and bringing in the new, reads the passage. They are symbols of transition, of initiation, and the start of a new beginning. A post shared by Doja Cat (@dojacat) The tattoo, which fans dubbed Doja Bat, was done by celebrity artist Mr. K of Bang Bang, who has done work for Justin Bieber and Rita Ora. Dojas fans defended her against the anticipated criticism. I just know the illuminati conspiracy theories are gonna run wild with this, wrote one, while another added, The fact that she has to post the symbolic meaning so people wont accuse her of devil worship is wild. This is the latest addition to Dojas tattoo collection. She recently got a tattoo of a mythological creature on her arm, which was inspired by the 1665 edition of Fortunio Licetis De Monstris. Tattoo on the left forearm of Doja Cat based on a Giovanni Battista Bissoni illustration from Italian philosopher Fortunio Licetis 1634 book De Monstruorum Causis, Natura et Differentiis (On the Reasons, Nature, and Differences of Monsters) Read more

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