DMX Funeral Stage Crasher Gets The Boot

hiphopdx April 26, 2021 DMX 204
DMX Funeral Stage Crasher Gets The Boot

DMX was laid to rest during a private funeral at Brooklyn's Christian Cultural Center on Sunday (April 25).

Man Named Jungle Crashes DMX Funeral Stage Published on:Apr 26, 2021, 4:14 PM by 7 Brooklyn, NY DMXwas laid to rest during a private funeral at Brooklyns Christian Cultural Center on Sunday (April 25), the second event in a two-day celebration of life for the Ruff Ryders legend. Members of the Simmons family and several of DMXsfriends were allowed to say a few words as part of the program. But one particular guest, who apparently goes by the name Jungle, decided he didnt need an invitation to speak and went up to the podium anyway. Bogarting the microphone, Jungle claimed hed been a friend of DMXfor over 20 years and was intent on getting his message across. He also took credit for helping DMX finish what became his final album. This album would have not happened if we did not suffer through the pandemic and take Earl Simmons out of his house, drive an RV down south and complete this album, Ive been his friend for 2o years, he said in the clip. Im not an industry dude and we got similar stories. Just like him with his grandmother, I have a grandmother who raised me and I love my grandmother. I have a dog. We have similar stories. We were both in institutions when we were young. He then goes into a random anecdote about stealing a pocketbook when he was 9 years old, which earned him a place at a group home in DMXs hometown of Yonkers, New York. Pastor AR Bernard, who led DMXs private funeral service, was forced to cut Jungle off midway through his eulogy. Heres what Im going to do, brother, Bernard is heard saying off camera. Brother, my brother. Over here. First of all, theres order, theres respect. You violated order, you violated respected. Youve disrespected my house. As Bernard continued to speak amid the eruption of applause, Jungle shouted, Yall cut me out of the program! Yall cut me out of the program! But Bernard was undeterred and added, Regardless of how good you think what you got to say is, you disrespected my house. God bless you, my brother. Were good. Were good. Read more

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