DMX Estate Battle: Woman Comes Forward Claiming To Be Late Rappers 15th Child

hotnewhiphop October 23, 2021 DMX 32
DMX Estate Battle: Woman Comes Forward Claiming To Be Late Rappers 15th Child

Three of DMXs sons have been appointed as temporary administrators of the late rappers estate. Just when we thought that the ongoing legal battle over the late DMX’s estate couldn’t get any more complicated, yet another woman has come forward, alleging that she is the child of the ...

suffering from a heart attack that was induced by cocaine consumption . The rapper was just 50 years old, and left behind few liquid assets and no will. The article notes that on Friday, three of Simmons adult sons, Xavier, Tacoma, and Sean (all from his 16-year long marriage to Tashera Simmons) were named the temporary administrators of their fathers estate by Judge Helen Blackwood. At the time of his death, DMXwas engaged to Desiree Lindstrom, who is also the mother of his 5-year-old son, Exodus. Page Six reports that shes applied to be legally declared her late mans common-law wife, but was turned down by the court. The next big thing is to determine who are the rightful heirs, the Simmons boys attorney, Herbert Nass, has said. The estate is going to ask everyone to prove paternity through DNA testing. All the legal children of DMX will be entitled to an equal share of his estate. Stay tuned to HNHH for all the latest updates on DMXs ongoing estate battle. [ Read more

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