DJ Khaled Clowned For 'TikTok Vs. YouTube' Fight Performance

hiphopdx June 13, 2021 DJ Khaled 72
DJ Khaled Clowned For 'TikTok Vs. YouTube' Fight Performance

DJ Khaled may be a highly successful producer, but he's often the subject of ridicule on social media.

Cliff Hawkins/Getty Images for LivexLive DJ Khaled Mercilessly Roasted For 'TikTok Vs. YouTube' Fight Performance Published on:Jun 13, 2021, 8:36 AM by 1 Miami, FL DJ Khaledmay be a highly successful producer, but hes often the subject of ridicule on social media. Whether hes posting twerk videosto Instagram during the holy month of Ramadan or eating eggs and ketchup, he often finds himself the butt of jokes. This weekend was no different. On Saturday (June 12), Khaled became a trending Twitter topic following his performance at the first-ever Social Gloves: Battle of the Platforms fight at Miamis Hard Rock Stadium. When it came time for DJ Khaled to entertain the crowd (or perhaps lack thereof), Twitter lit up with reactions and joked he was trying to hype up about 35 people but with little to no success. Make some noise for yourself, he shouts from the ring to modest results. Thank you for having me. Enjoy. The crowd was quiet af when Dj Khaled came out for the YouTube vs tiktok fight #youtubersvstiktokers Read more

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