DJ Akademiks Claims Jay Z Uses Black-owned As a Bait and Switch Tactic

thesource March 07, 2021 Jay Z 199
DJ Akademiks Claims Jay Z Uses Black-owned As a Bait and Switch Tactic

DJ Akademiks is known mainly for being best friends with the controversial self-proclaimed snitch, Tekashi 6ix9ine.

Hip Hop News | Trending Hip Hop Stories DJ Akademiks is known mainly for being best friends with the controversial self-proclaimed snitch, Tekashi 6ix9ine. He is also vocal about many rappers, such as Meg the Stallion, who he says will never touch Nicki Minaj. Recently, Akademiks came after Jay-Z, claiming that Hov uses the phrase Black-owned as a bait and switch tactic to get people to buy into his companies. Visit for more information The criticism came after Jay-Z sold his stake in Tidal earlier in the week to Twitter CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey. At first, Akademiks praised Jay-Z as a businessman but then gave his criticism of him. Jay-Z bought a company,he said it was for Black creators. He said people shouldnt support Apple and Spotify because theyre White-owned and he wanted to have something for the culture, for the artists, by the artists, and he wanted to keep it Black-owned and he wanted to do it that way. He did many B-Side concerts and sh*t like that talking about Black excellence, Black power, you should support him because he owned a Black business even though we found out later when they went to Sweden at Tidal headquarters, pretty much not one of the employees or the higher executive people at Tidal were Black. Advertisement Ak added that Jay made a Tidal deal with Sprint and walked away from hundreds of millions of dollars. He then added that Hov uses bait and switch business tactics, saying Thats the only thing I dont like about the way he does things. Hes not doing it for Black people, hes doing it for his own selfish means, Read more

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