DDG Explains Supporting Gunna Against Snitching Accusations #Gunna

hotnewhiphop January 13, 2023 Gunna 32
DDG Explains Supporting Gunna Against Snitching Accusations #Gunna

Gunna has been called out by his peers for accepting a plea deal, but DDG stands by his collaborator and said he doesn't ride waves.

Link Copied to Clipboard! Share this page If you f*ck with him, then you f*ck with him, said DDG as he called Gunna a cool n*gga. After Gunna was released from jail after accepting a plea deal and it has been non-stop allegations of snitching on YSL. Gunna s team has denied the rapper cooperated with authorities while agreeing to a guilty plea, but the conversations havent ceased. DDG recently came forward to defend his Elon Musk collaborator, prompting a complaint from Tekashi 6ix9ine. According to the controversial artist, his peers didnt react the same way toward him as they are in defense of Gunna. DDG addressed criticism during a Livestream with DJ Akademiks. Read More: 6ix9ine Trolls Gunna In Latest IG Post Akademiks brought up that several artists havent openly shared opinions about Gunna. According to the blogger, some are watching comment sections to see how the public responds. I think thats fake, though, said DDG. If you f*ck with him, then you f*ck with him. I dont really be looking. Me personally, I dont claim to be like, in the streets or like, a part of none of that bullsh*t, he also shared. Im thinking about gettin money, you know what I mean? So, its like, I look at Gunna as a cool n*gga. A n*gga that embraced me as an artist and put me in a different type of space. On some likenot necessarily some big homie sh*t, but like, I just f*ck with him a different type of way thanI dont know. That sh*t aint got nothin to do with me. Read more

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