Cardi B Speaks Up For Victims During Sexual Assault Awareness Month #CardiB

allhiphop April 22, 2022 Cardi B 20
Cardi B Speaks Up For Victims During Sexual Assault Awareness Month #CardiB

Cardi B spoke about the importance of awareness and supporting sexual assault victims, focusing blame on the monsters who abuse others.

April 22, 2022 Cardi B spoke about the importance of awareness and supporting sexual assault victims, focusing blame on the monsters who abuse others. Cardi B has never shied away from using her platform to speak on real-world issues, discussing everything from her views on politicsto the benefits of a vegan lifestylewith her followers. The rapper and business mogul shared an important messageon Thursday (Apr. 21) with a lengthy statement in support of sexual assault awareness month. Cardi B encouraged her fans to stay safe and also spoke on the stigma faced by some victims and called out the monsters who perpetrate these crimes. Before April is over, dont forget its sexual assault awareness month, no means no! Cardi began, Its doesnt matter what you wear, it doesnt matter who you are, male or female. For anyone going through this, the shame is not yours to carry its the monsters who do this. #SAAM2022 Cardi continued with a reminder for parents about the importance of teaching kids how to stay safe. Also parents we cant forget our children. There are sick people everywhere, daycare, schools, you name it, she wrote. Make sure you teach them from a early age, no one is to touch your private parts & never be afraid to tell mommy & daddy when someone makes you uncomfortable. #SAAM2022. Cardi B Says Its Okay To Speak Up Cardi B also discussed the need to give victims the space to tell their stories without shame or stigma. Bringing the awareness can be a key to help stopping it. Women, children, and even men should never have to feel like they should be silenced or ashamed for telling their story and holding sick ass people accountable. Its ok to speak up! she added. Everyday I pray for my children, my family, and my friends because people are really sick but you know wanna know something? When one person speaks up it helps others see they are not alone, Cardi B concluded. Read her message in full below. Read more

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