Cardi B Says Female Rappers Are The Most Disrespected

hiphopdx June 24, 2021 Cardi B 98
Cardi B Says Female Rappers Are The Most Disrespected

Cardi B wants the Hip Hop industry to put some respect on the names of female rappers. In the past, Cardi B has been vocal about the unfair standards women in rap have to live up to when compared to their male counterparts.

June 22, 2021 People always have crazy expectations, especially when it comes to female rap, the Bronx native explained. Its not like its a competition, but people are always comparing and comparing and comparing. Its almost like they want to see you fail. I hate the feeling when I dont do something really good. So I want my shit to be good because my last album did so well, and if this one doesnt do well, Im going to feel really sad. The Grammy Award-winner is working towards the release of her anticipated sophomore album later this year. Subscribe to DX Newsletter Get The Most Important Stories Of The Day Straight To Your Inbox Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Youre Far Too Kind To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Joining Newsletter Read more

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