Cardi B Gives Us The Best Reason To See 'Fast & Furious 9'

sohh June 15, 2021 Cardi B 105
Cardi B Gives Us The Best Reason To See 'Fast & Furious 9'

New York rapper Cardi B is helping the Fast & Furious franchise fill in a few more jam-packed seats for when it hits theaters next week. The hip-hop star ha

June 15, 2021 Cardi B Joins The Fast & Furious 9 Line-Up Back in October 2019, Cardi teased fans about playing a rolein the upcoming flick. However, the COVID-19 pandemic ultimately forced the movie to suffer a yearlong delay before heading to theaters. Cardis co-star Vin Diesel shared footage of them together on-set. Day 86 on the set of Fast 9. I know Im exhausted. I literally, we all gave every single thing we could for this movie. Put it all on the table. Put it all out there. Cardi made sure to chime in about her contribution to the flick and being tired from the filming. Im tired. But I cant wait. I aint gonna front, this is going to be the best one. Yup. Im gonna take a nappy nap. Ive been saying this the whole day, mi-nappy-nap. Remember that. Nappy-nap. Ludacris Needs To Know Back in May 2020, Ludacris hit up his social media pagesto find out which Fast & Furious movie they put at the top of their personal lists. Despite the flick getting delayed, he still wanted to focus on the franchises overall success. All the REAL Fast Fans Lets be Honest. IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE JUST ONE which is the BEST SO FAR? -Ludacris Instagram Initial April 2021 Rollout The movie found itself initially getting delayedthrough April 2021. The coronavirus epidemic forced its delay by an entire year before ultimately getting pinned to a June 25 release. Universal Studios, the company behind the Fast & Furious franchise, made the decision because of the impact that the fast-moving coronavirus is having on the global economy and the distribution landscape. Theaters remain closed in Italy, South Korea and China, where the virus has hit hardest. Theres also a mounting sense that some theaters will close in the U.S. as the outbreak continues to spread. Fast 9 will now open globally in April 2021 and in the U.S. on April 2. ( Read more

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