Cardi B Fears Another US Lockdown As Pandemic Won't End

sohh July 25, 2021 Cardi B 92
Cardi B Fears Another US Lockdown As Pandemic Won't End

New York rapper Cardi B isn't sure what direction the country's going in right now and - as a result - is relying on Twitter fingers to help give her some persp

A few days ago, rap veteran 50 Cent reacted to a headline suggesting thousands of vaccinated people were testing positive for COVID-19 in his and Cardis New York City hometown. aww sh*t we going back in the house. 40 Gets His Vaccine Earlier in the month, OVO Sound producer Noah 40 Shebib went to Instagramto celebrate getting his vaccine. Shebib dropped a picture of himself giving a thumbs up alongside a nurse. I wasted no time and signed up for a vaccine as fast as humanly possible. All I want to say is that getting the vaccine is a privilege we have in this country but not all of us have it. And thats even more reason for those of us who do to get our shots and protect vulnerable people who can not. Nothing makes me happier then being a part of a team and helping and this is a way for us to all help each other. Be kind to each other, and change each others lives. We are all in this together and together we can get out of it!! Were almost there Peace and love The OVO Sound producer took it a step furtherand made his caption deeper than just a shot. He noted his Multiple Sclerosis and added in details about what the vaccine means to him. Im proud to share that this is my happiest moment since this pandemic started. I was originally told I could not get vaccinated due to the medications I have to take to manage my Multiple Sclerosis. Really it had to do with vaccine availability and the reduced effectiveness because of my immunosuppressant meds but none the less, they figured out the timing for things to be more affective and suddenly I was eligible. Wiz Khalifa Tests Positive For Coronavirus The vaccination news came as rap star Wiz Khalifa went to Twitter to announcehe tested positive for coronavirus. The Black and Yellow rapper also noted he was doing well and was asymptomatic. Okay loved ones.sooo..Ya boy got covid. No symptoms. Just stay away from me for a lil while He also revealed big things were comingwhile in quarantine, so maybe his days in the house wont be too bad after all. While im in the house Ill be givin yall new content, planning raves, and readying this new project The shocking announcement also came as COVID-19 cases spiked throughout the country Places like Los Angeles where Khalifa typically resides has encouraged even vaccinated people to wear masks while in public in an effort to stop the spread. The COVID-19 curve in the U.S. is rising again after months of decline, with the number of new cases per day doubling over the past three weeks, driven by the fast-spreading delta variant, lagging vaccination rates and Fourth of July gatherings.Confirmed infections climbed to an average of about 23,600 a day on Monday, up from 11,300 on June 23, according to Johns Hopkins University data. And all but two states Maine and South Dakota reported that case numbers have gone up over the past two weeks. ( ) Juveniles Standing Strong Behind Vax Anthem In a recent interview, rap veteran Juvenile explained where the motivation ultimatelycame from for remixing his unforgettable 90s Back That Azz Up classic to a pro-vaccination banger. The Louisiana native acknowledged his own experience with COVID taking close people away from him. I have the same Ive lost family members, too, and its a scary its a slippery slope. So what I say to everybody else outside thats speaking on it, man, just get educated. Im not telling you, forcing you, or pushing you to go get vaccinated. Im telling you to make a family decision. Talk to your family, get educated on it, and make the right decision. It means a lot, you know, especially for me. And Im trying to make everybody see it from my point of view. So I just think that we all should, you know, take time out and get educated on it first, and then we all can be vaccinated hopefully in the future. Read more

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