Cardi B Denies Trying To Boost Streams Of Upcoming Album #CardiB

hiphopdx June 06, 2022 Cardi B 30
Cardi B Denies Trying To Boost Streams Of Upcoming Album #CardiB

Cardi B clapped back at a Twitter user who claimed she's only adding 'WAP' and 'Up' to her new album to help boost the project's streaming stats.

March 25, 2022 However, that didnt stop Cardi B from weighing in on the debate with some choice words of her own as she defended her decision to include Up and WAP on the tracklist for her forthcoming LP. Stop trying to act innocent when u know u was trying to pander, she clapped back. Why havent you said nothing about other artists who recently put songs b4 the pandemic on their album or people that have to put other people songs on their shit ..Imagine my biggest song not being on a album. One more thing my first album I did not had CDs,Merch or bundles just straight fire .and I had a amazing debut and gave a song that became DIAMONDfrom it .Fuck you talking about wash your tongue correctly b4 you talk about who needs streams in this bitch ! A post shared by The Neighborhood Talk (@theneighborhoodtalk) This isnt the first spot of controversy surrounding Cardi Bs aforementioned singles. In spite of its huge commercial success, WAP sparked outrage among conservative critics and even other rappers for its unapologetically raunchy lyrics and visuals. Cardi and Megans performance of the song at the 2021 Grammy Awards drew over 1,000 complaintsto the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). Up, meanwhile, was at the center of a plagiarism disputewhen New Jersey rappers Mir Fontane and Mir Pesos claimed the chart-topping track lifted its hook from their single Stuck, which was released months earlier. Cardi denied the accusations, saying the hook (If its up, then its up, then its up, then its stuck) is simply a popular phrase. As for Cardi Bslong-awaited new album, theres still no word on a release date. Fans were given hope last February when the mother-of-two revealed she has like 50 songs recorded,but last month she admitted multiple technical difficulties have delayed the project Subscribe to DX Newsletter Get The Most Important Stories Of The Day Straight To Your Inbox Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Youre Far Too Kind To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Joining Newsletter More on Hiphopdx Read more

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