Boosie Badazz Says Lil Uzi Vert Isn't Worth Enough For Diamond Forehead

hiphopdx June 08, 2021 Lil Uzi Vert 98
Boosie Badazz Says Lil Uzi Vert Isn't Worth Enough For Diamond Forehead

Boosie Badazz stopped by VladTV and explained how Uzi should've never spent the $24 million foolishly on the jewel if his net worth is really around $20 million.

$24 million pink gem he supposedly had implanted in his forehead earlier this year. Never one to mince his words, Boosie Badazzstopped by VladTVand explained how Uzi shouldve never spent the $24 million foolishly on the jewel if his net worth is really around the $20 million Vlad said. If you put a $24 million diamond on your forehead, you gotta have $250 million, Boosie said. I feel like if you didnt do that, that was a big waste. Theres too many peoples families who hurting to pull off shit like that if you aint really living like that. I dont know if he got it but if it was that way, if you spend $24 million on your family, everyone in your family should basically be living like you. If he got a net worth of $20 million and you spend $24 million on a diamond, then youre in debt. Wherever Vlad obtained the $20 million figure, its probably on the very low side when it comes to what Lil Uzi Verts net worth really is as a superstar rapper. The Philly native actually ditched the Fuschia diamondin recent clips and photos. Lil Uzi Vert enjoyed a nice date night in Miami for Memorial Day Weekend alongside his girlfriend JT with fellow rap couple Future and Dess Dior. Read more

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