Boosie Badazz Reacts After Funk Flex Unbans 6ix9ine #6ix9ine

hotnewhiphop January 17, 2023 6ix9ine 62
Boosie Badazz Reacts After Funk Flex Unbans 6ix9ine #6ix9ine

Boosie Badazz reacts after Funk Flex announces that he will no longer ban 6ix9ines music from being played on Hot 97.

A post shared by Say Cheese TV (@saycheesetv) STICK TO IT FLEX WE NEED THIS ALL THEM RATS, Boosie wrote on SayCheeseTVs Instagram page. Boosie Badazz previously expressed his disapproval of 6ix9ine in the past including those who continued to work with him. Nicki Minaj also faced criticism from Boosie. He said that she might not have a heart for collaborating with 6ix9ine on 2020s Trollz. It shows a lack of character, said Boosie Badazz. It shows that you would change for money and success. Thats how I look at it. She doesnt have to do that. Shes rich as fuck. I feel like she shitted on the ghetto community, all African-American people. She knows what Im talking about, she said fuck em. Meanwhile, Funk Flex explained that hes no longer banning 6ix9ines music because many other rappers have cooperated with authorities, too. He updated his post to reflect a recent conversation he had with Jim Jones, who was mentioned during 6ix9ines trial. HE EXPRESSED THAT FOR HIM THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY TOLERANCE FOR TESTIFYING AND COOPERATING! IN TODAYS ERA JONES AND I MAY DISAGREE ON THE WHY OR WHY NOT THE MUSIC SHOULD PLAY OF PEOPLE WHO COOPERATE BUT WE BOTH AGREE THAT TIMES MIGHT OF CHANGED AND INTEGRITY IS FULLY LOST, Flex said in his updated post. Read more

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