Birdman Calls Drake's New Album A 'Certified' Classic

sohh September 03, 2021 Birdman 52
Birdman Calls Drake's New Album A 'Certified' Classic

Cash Money Records boss Birdman knows greatness when he hears it. The hip-hop veteran has stepped up to give Drake his flowers after putting out a must-hear Cer

September 3, 2021 Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot Salutes Drakes CLB Chicagos Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot might be supportive of rap star Kanye Wests Donda album but today shes completely ridingwith Certified Lover Boy wave. The 56th mayor of Chi-Town has shown a major salute to Yes rap rival Drake in celebration of his new studio album. Lightfoots Twitter page lit up Fridaywith a huge shout-out to the 6 God. She used the theme of Drakes cover art to playfully plug her own financial agenda. CERTIFIED BUDGET SEASON 1. What is the City Budget? 2. What is the City Budget Gap? 3. Whats next in the City Budget process? 4. How does the City Budget impact me? Social media didnt have the same senseof humor as Lightfoot though. People had mixed feelings about the mayor using CLB as an opportunity to talk politics. This stinks Does this mean youre multiplying as rapidly as the lethal virus youre allowing to spread across the city? Your social media team has to know youre going to get roasted for things like this Im pretty sure they have no clue how the internet works. CERTIFIED BUDGET SEASON 1. What is the City Budget? 2. What is the City Budget Gap? 3. Whats next in the City Budget process? 4. How does the City Budget impact me? Read more

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