Benzino Shames Daughter Coi Leray For Defending Eminem #Eminem

hiphopdx May 08, 2022 Eminem 35
Benzino Shames Daughter Coi Leray For Defending Eminem #Eminem

The public discourse between Benzino and his daughter Coi Leray continued on Saturday morning (May 7).

Eminem. Benzino, who wasnt happy about Eminems induction into the 2022 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame,was evidently bothered by his daughters defense of Slim Shady.Shortly after Benzinos tweets, the Trendsetter rapper fired back, Im about love, equality, respect and forgiveness. I have nothing against Eminem, 25 years of my life all I know is he a very talented artist and actor! (8 Mile was great) Lets build bridges and get over them before you burn the bridge and burn with it. Her father replied, As far as the lil who keeps talking about love and forgiveness. Well theres this word called loyalty and a commandment that says Honor thy Mother and Father As far as burning bridges, there no bridge bigger than the one you burnt with your own blood. As far as the lil who keeps talking about love and forgiveness. Well theres this word called loyalty and a commandment that says Honor thy Mother and Father As far as burning bridges, there no bridge bigger than the one you burnt with your own blood. Benzino (@IAMBENZINO) Read more

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