Akademiks Says Rick Ross & Meek Mill Beefing Over MMG Contract

hiphopdx May 12, 2021 Rick Ross 150
Akademiks Says Rick Ross & Meek Mill Beefing Over MMG Contract

Akademiks suggests Maybach Music Group boss Rick Ross and his artist Meek Mill are beefing over a contract.

Akademiks Suggests Meek Mill & Rick Ross Have Trouble In MMG Paradise Published on:May 12, 2021, 9:33 AM by 0 Miami, FL Theres a rumor going around Meek Milldidnt just ban 6ix9inefrom his recent Miami birthday bash he also reportedly didnt grant access to his party either. According to Bossip, the two rappers ongoing beef led to Meek not allowing Rozay into his section at LIV nightclub in Miami over the weekend. Meek Mill allegedly wants out of his MMG contract and is apparently having difficulty doing so. Shortly after the chatter started, Akademiks hopped on Twitch and essentially confirmed the rumor without mentioning Meeks name. Theres an artist whos signed to another artist, he says in the YouTube clip. People saw when the artist whos signed to the other artist was having a party, the artist theyre signed too allegedly tried to enter the party and go about certain places and I heard there was a big issue. One of your favorite artists whos claimin that they lit, they a boss, they do whatever theyre signed to another n-gga. And allegedly, they beefin with the other n-gga because theyre trying to get off the label. Thats what I heard. I dont even want to say names because Im in disbelief. I hear they want off the label. This has been an ongoing conversation. The n-gga that they signed to showed up to their party and they were not happy. When that person showed up, there was issues. Meek Mill signed to Maybach Music Groupin 2011 after leaving Grand Hustle Records. Akademiks says hes been trying to get out of his contract for at least a year but Ross being the seasoned businessman he is, simply wants Meek to finish out his agreement. Of course, this should all be taken with a grain of salt even Akademiks noted it could be a giant lie but added the people he heard this from have reputations and doesnt see what theyd gain by fabricating the story. Meek has released four studio albums under the Maybach Music Group umbrella, including 2012s Dreams and Nightmares, 2015s Dreams Worth More Than Money, 2017s Wins & Losses and 2018s Championships. In a 2015 interview with HipHopDX, Rick Ross spoke about the success of MMG and appeared happy about having Meek Mill on the roster. I think the diversity itself is what sets us apart as a label, he said at the time. When you think of Stalley, when you think of Omarion just having a No. 1 record. Meek Mill having a monstrous new album, Wale, another No. 1 and of course the Boss. Then Gunplay just releasing his first solo album. I think thats real big and thats something special for me. Im extremely proud. Its just the first of many things to come. MMG was founded in 2009 and has still has Wale, Gunplay, Rockie Fresh, Fat Trel and, of course, Meek signed to the imprint. Subscribe to DX Newsletter Get The Most Important Stories Of The Day Straight To Your Inbox Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Youre Far Too Kind To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Joining Newsletter Read more

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