6ix9ine Trolls Lil Durk After Brother's Death

rap-up June 07, 2021 6ix9ine 98
6ix9ine Trolls Lil Durk After Brother's Death

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June 6, 2021 Earlier this year, Tekashi taunted Durk over the death of his artist King Von and his cousin Nuski. You aint killed shit, you let your mans die, he rapped on ZAZA.They killed your cousin and your man and you still aint do shit. Durk, who once said that 6ix9ines camp offered him $3 millionto keep their feud going, has vowed to never address 6ix9ine again. I aint gone never respond to this ni**a ever fu**in again, he wrote in August after seemingly dissing Tekashi on Drakes Read more

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