50 Cent Uproots to Houston to Produce New Docuseries

thesource May 06, 2021 50 Cent 135
50 Cent Uproots to Houston to Produce New Docuseries

50 Cent Uproots to Houston to Produce New Docuseries When business calls, 50 Cent is first on the line. The Southside Jamaica Queens native

Visit streaming.thesource.com for more information Earlier this year, he echoed his support of Texas Governor, Greg Abbot. Abbot lifted the Lone Star States mask mandate well before vaccines were distributed across the country. Since then Texas has been fully open for business. Once 50 Cent caught wind of the states new policy, he was on board. Im headed to Texas f*ck this. Advertisement The legendary rapper and film producer is now trading in his Mets and Yankees fitted cap for an Astros one, literally. Rest assure that he packed a number of fitted caps to continue to represent his home teams. Fif recently took to social media to make the announcement about his new place of residence. I Love NY, but i live in Houston now ill explain later, he wrote as his caption on Instagram, posing with a Houston Astros cap on his head. In the same post, he announced his next G-Unit Film & Television project with Discovery + entitled, Confessions of a Crime Queen. According to the Deadline, the series will follow Queenpins, who built criminal empires, but later saw it come to end. I Love NY, but i live in Houston now ill explain later.Green Light Gang BOOM Read more

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