50 Cent Adds To Michael Jordan & Mary J. Blige Butt-Grabbing Frenzy

hiphopdx February 24, 2022 50 Cent 42
50 Cent Adds To Michael Jordan & Mary J. Blige Butt-Grabbing Frenzy

During Saturday's (February 19) NBA All-Star Game, the internet broke out into a frenzy after NBA Legend Michael Jordan and Super Bowl LVI Halftime performerMary J. Bligeposed for a few photos and hugged it out courtside. In a video captured of the exchange, Jordan lightly tapped Blige's rear area with the palm of his hand, a move the internet immediately seized and commented on, along with Mary J. Blige's fellow halftime performer 50 Cent.

Mary J. Blige posed for a few photos and hugged it out courtside. In a video captured of the exchange, Jordan lightly tapped Bliges rear area with the palm of his hand, a move the internet immediately seized and commented on, along with Mary J. Bliges Power II boss 50 Cent. All Star weekend. MJ & MJB, he palmed the ball, LOL, Fif wrote in the caption of his Wednesday (February 23) Instagram, which was a zoomed-in screenshot on Jordans hand resting comfortably on Mary J. Bliges backside. Fif also stitched the photo of a reaction meme from Denzel Washington. He then also shared another standalone meme of Blige and Jordan staring passionately into each others eyes on Tuesday (February 22), writing, See just when we thought it was all fvcked up. LOL. The text attached to the photo was loosely based on his hit show Power. Read more

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