42 Dugg Calls Out Big Homie After Self-Snitching On Instagram

hiphopdx June 04, 2021 42 Dugg 139
42 Dugg Calls Out Big Homie After Self-Snitching On Instagram

Detroit-bred rapper Big Homie was arrested this week after an Instagram Live video linked a gun he was flaunting to seven shootings.

Big Homie was arrested this week after an Instagram Live video linked a gun he was flaunting to seven shootings. Upon learning this, fellow Motor City rapper 42 Dugg hopped in the Say Cheese comment section on Instagram to school the 22-year-old on how to use Instagram properly. So Instagram as the world see it: ah place to show off who you are in the streets because Its ah 90 percent chance when you ah new face no one have heard of you, no one know who you are or what you did in the streets, he wrote. so let me show how many guns I got ,that dont work let me show what kinda guns I got that dont worketc etc etc. Instagram as you should see it ah outlet to brand yourself, show off hard you is how different you are, how fresh you be how talented you is, where you came from, how far you came, introduce ah few different ideas AH PLACE TO GET RICH ah place to gain notoriety not for what you donein the streets but for what you showcasing. View this post on Instagram 42 Dugg, whos only four years older than Big Homie, then vowed to guide the incarcerated rapper along as he tries to navigate the music industry. He also called on other people in the rap community to take other fledgling artists under their wings. Im not saying this to say the younging stupid, he continued. Its just ah learning situation for him for me for everybody this was me last year so. of course Im gone help him because somebody helped me so instead of bashing young n-ggas yall should correct em give them/us ah different way to see shit. we might NOT SEE SHIT HOW YOU SEE BECAUSE OUR SITUATION AINT LIKE YOURS FREE THE YOUNGING WE COMING TO GET YOU CUZ. Read more

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