40 BARRS Exposes QB Black Diamond For False Rape Charge Ahead Of Remy Ma Battle Rap Event

allhiphop February 27, 2022 Remy Ma 154
40 BARRS Exposes QB Black Diamond For False Rape Charge Ahead Of Remy Ma Battle Rap Event

Remy Mas highly anticipated Queens Get The Money battle rap event just got even spicier after 40 BARRS made a dramatic revelation.

February 26, 2022 Remy Mas highly anticipated Queens Get The Money battle rap event just got even spicier after 40 BARRS made a dramatic revelation. With less than 24 hours before Remy Mas debut battle rap eventgoes down in New York City, 40 BARRSdropped a bombshell that sent instant shock waves through the battle rap community on Saturday night (Feb. 26). Remy has been making the media round all week to promote Queens Get The Money , the first show from her new battle rap league Chrome 23 One of the rappers battling on that card decided to drop a devastating last-minute surprise. Boston lyricist 40 BARRS went on a calculated attack, accusing her opponent, QB Black Diamondof falsely accusing a man of rape in 2009. WELL WELL WELL look wtf we got HERE!, wrote 40. In the first of a series of scathing social media posts, 40 shared a report detailing the arrest of Jaquasha Pitt for falsely reporting a rape She was charged with tampering with evidence, false reporting and making a false statement, by cops in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The Boston native then listed various details about QB, which she claims confirms she is the woman in the report. Read more

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